I am inspired to write today about resilience, because I am hearing so much about resilience training these days, in the context of Corporate HSE (Health, Safety and Environmental) and I wonder if we are talking about the same thing.
For me being resilient is the capacity to come back to my center after I had an upset: unexpected bad news, a disappointment, a frustration or something that angered me.
As a person in business (and most of us are in business in one way or another), I take action and I wish and expect outcomes that in many cases don't materialise.
Then I worry, or get upset or angry or the 3 things at the same time.
Throw in the mix any unexpected upset in my personal life or in my finances and we have a bomb that can explode and leave me hurting for some time.
The question is, how long?
Because upset I will be at some point of the week, but would it last a month, few days, hours or minutes? Can I come back to an empowering state pretty quickly, or at least to a balanced stated?
I have been learning techniques to do this all my life. This is pretty much normal to me, to be resilient and I learnt pretty quickly to manage my emotions when I was a child.
I have a sensitive nature: my feelings get hurt easily, and I happen to have a father whose preference was to vent any upset shouting from the top of his lungs to my mother, me and my brother and sisters, saying anything that he pretty much felt like it. It could be something pretty damaging to my self-esteem and that would be fine in his world. My self-esteem got damaged, that is for sure, and the beauty of this story is that it has a happy ending. Since I was 14 I started to read literature that supported my self-confidence. I did things with the objective of making me more confident, like studying petroleum engineering and work in a male dominated industry like oil and gas. The irony of this is that these days I am an expert in Soft Skills for the Oil and Gas Industry. Apparently, I have dedicated my life to study and practice (in myself and my coaching clients) methods for coming back to my center after I had an upset. So now I can help others.
What are the best methods that I have found. My favourites, the ones that I became really proficient in are:
1- EFT/Tapping:
This method is the fastest