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Part 1: Expand your Identity
Your Identity or self-perception is critical for your business success.
Your clients' perception of you is related to the beliefs you have about yourself.
It's possible to work on these beliefs, making them stronger, more empowering, and counteracting unhelpful criticisms from people in your environment.
There could be people in your life set in deconstructing your identity to control you.
It's important to identify these behaviors before they are too damaging.
When you have strong self-knowledge and are mindful of how people try to manipulate you, you can set boundaries and protect this identity, which is the key to your success.
We will practice some powerful exercises aimed at unlocking your real identity, one based on your strengths, not your weaknesses, and where you can harness the successes from the past and the wisdom of the present.
Part 2: Increase your Confidence
A strong confidence flows from a strong self-perception or identity.
Business is all about confidence: confidence in how you present yourself, confidence in your decisions, and even confidence after your failures.
Without confidence, you will second-guess your decisions, turn back on them, flip-flop, or even be paralyzed by insecurity and not make the necessary decisions for your business.
We will see powerful methodologies that will allow you to recover your confidence if you have lost it and upgrade it if you still have it, but can used a bit of a kick.
Elevate your Business & Money Success
Business, Clients, Money! These words could produce euphoria when everything goes well or panic when you are trying to create them and things are not going well.
I would like to link the success of your business and money with the expansion of your identity and the increase in your confidence that we have seen in Parts 1 and 2.
Everything is connected and by working collaboratively, you will realize that the possibilities are expanding already as you expand your Mindset.
Your identity has been expanded, so you believe in who you are and what you have already created in the past.
You make decisions with ease and more of them. More decisions, combined with assertiveness and negotiation skills (we will touch on those as well) will take you to stronger Business and Financial results.
We will do some collaborative exercises that will allow you to integrate what you are learning so you can use it powerfully after the Workshop.
Recover your Mojo
My Brand name is "Recover your Mojo" for a reason: I believe that when women do business with their authentic identity and their maximum confidence, aligned with a Purpose bigger than themselves, they produce results with grace and ease and feel magnetic, attractive, with a strong Mojo.
Mojo represents an ethereal quality that is magnetic, sexy, attractive, playful, and powerful, and I think is an energy that helps women visualize what success might mean to them.
A very strong process for
Business & Money Success
1Recover your
Connect with the stronger parts of your character and live authentically without apologizing for who you are or being subservient to anyone.
2Recover your Confidence
Make decisions that align with your values. Take feedback from others but put up boundaries to keep out harmful criticism and coercive control.
3Recover your
Business flows from decisions: more decisions combined
with assertiveness and negotiation skills create more business for you.
4Recover your
Recover your Zest for life, your magnetism and that ethereal quality that makes you attract clients, opportunities and Money to you.
© 2015